
Oklahoma Chapter Membership

Chapter membership is automatic with membership in APA. Your decision to become a member of OKAPA shows your dedication to planning and offers a way for you to contribute to the advancement of the planning profession. OKAPA offers a professional forum for co-workers, colleagues, and business associates to share knowledge, experiences, and perspectives. By joining together, we raise the level of professionalism of each member. Recruiting new members and retaining current members are the two most important functions of any organization. It is the only way OKAPA can grow. Join us today or encourage your co-workers to join.  OKAPA now offers Chapter-Only-Membership. To join, fill out this form

OKAPA membership directory. You must be an APA member to log-in.


APA Membership

There are many benefits to membership:

Planning Magazine

As member of APA, you will receive a subscription to Planning, the award-winning monthly magazine that binds our diverse membership together. Planning will keep you up to date on planning that works--successful programs, techniques, and strategies from across the nation. No other publication covers the field as completely or intelligently.

Chapter Membership

When you join APA, you also join your local chapter. Chapter membership involves you in APA close to home, sharing experiences with colleagues, expanding your network, and broadening your perspective beyond your office, commission, or campus. The Chapter newsletter, The Oklahoma Planner, will keep you current on local issues. You will want to attend chapter meetings as well as special workshops and conferences.

The American Planning Association Oklahoma Chapter provides the opportunity for anyone interested in Oklahoma planning activities to join as a Chapter-Only-Member. For Chapter-Only Membership, fill out this form.

Student Memberships

If you're a full-time planning student, you're eligible to join APA at reduced cost. APA membership is the best way to establish a solid professional foundation at the very beginning of your career. Chapter meetings and other functions foster networking and learning about planning in the real world.

Planning Official Memberships

Planning officials can also join at a special reduced rate. Through APA-sponsored audio conferences, publications, and chapter meetings, you'll learn about planning and meet fellow commissioners and planning practitioners. At the APA annual national conference, you can attend sessions tailored to the needs of new and experienced planning officials.

To find out more or Join APA go to: